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Twelve Hours' Sleep by Twelve Weeks Old Review: 4 Foundations for Successful Baby Sleep

Updated: Aug 9, 2023

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Twelve Hours' Sleep by Twelve Weeks Old

I recently had the pleasure of delving into the enlightening book, "Twelve Hours' Sleep by Twelve Weeks Old," and its profound insights have resonated deeply with me. So much so, that I feel compelled to share these valuable lessons with you. Whether you're a new parent or not, the principles of sleep training and effective parenting that I discovered within its pages are universally applicable. After my last Twelve Hours' Sleep by Twelve Weeks Old's review, today let's explore the four foundational pillars for achieving successful baby sleep and fostering a harmonious family dynamic.

1. Harmony between Baby and Family: A Balanced Approach

"A baby must adapt to the existing family; the existing family does not adapt to a baby."

One of the standout principles of the book is the idea that a baby should adapt to the existing family dynamics, rather than the other way around. While the arrival of a baby is undoubtedly life-altering, it's essential to approach this transition with intentionality and mindfulness. Many new parents fear that having a baby will completely disrupt their lives, and while some adjustments are inevitable, it's essential to believe that the disruption can be intentionally contained.

Suzy's advice, "[D]oorbells can ring, older siblings can laugh out loud, the washing machine can run, all during naptime," highlights the importance of acclimating the baby to the real world from the very beginning. By allowing normal household activities to occur during naptime, we teach our little ones to adapt and find comfort amidst the natural noises of life. "Unless you are prepared to shelter your baby in the house forever, this sleeping pattern will eventually fail."

2. Empowering Parenthood: Embrace Your Role as a Confident Parent

"You must feel empowered as a parent."

Feeling empowered as a parent is key to raising a happy and well-adjusted child. This empowerment comes in two forms: not letting the baby dictate everything and resisting the urge to be swayed by unsolicited advice from others. While seeking expert guidance is essential, parents should trust their instincts and establish boundaries within the household.

In Suzy's words, "Kids need to know that when they break the rules, the rules will be enforced. Otherwise, you are placing the weight and burden of child-rearing on them, and that is not fair." As parents, we act as coaches, teaching our children important life skills and guiding them through the challenges they encounter. Setting consistent rules and principles helps children understand the significance of responsibility and discipline in their lives.

Additionally, it's crucial to avoid letting other adults, even well-meaning family members or friends, take the steering wheel in our parenting journey. We, as parents, are in the driver's seat, making decisions that are in the best interest of our child and our family.

3. Sleep as a Learned Skill: Balancing Nature and Nurture

"Sleeping is a learned skill that you need to teach your baby."

In my opinion, the philosophy behind this book challenges the notion that sleep should follow a natural course without intervention. Instead, it advocates viewing sleep as a learned skill that parents must teach their babies. In my life, I observe that many parents are skeptical about sleep training, fearing that it may interrupt the natural development of their children. While this concern is understandable, prolonged sleep deprivation for parents can have adverse effects on their overall well-being and, in turn, their ability to care for their children effectively.

I believe that although one may argue that parents who teach sleeping as a skill are selfish, it instead promotes better self-care for both parents and the baby. By helping babies learn to sleep independently, they acquire valuable life skills that will benefit them throughout their lives. Just as we teach children to ride a bike or swim, we can teach them the skill of falling asleep on their own, ensuring that it becomes a lasting habit. As Suzy says "Rocking a twelve-week-old baby over and over again in a glider until he falls asleep is the equivalent of carrying a two-year-old toddler everywhere in your arms over and over again." You should give your baby the opportunity to learn to sleep without you or any aids.

Furthermore, once sleeping becomes a learned skill, babies are less likely to forget it. Similar to riding a bike or swimming, this skill becomes ingrained, leading to more restful nights for everyone in the family.

4. Commitment and Hard Work: Nurturing with Consistency

"Sleep training requires commitment and hard work on the part of the parents."

Effective sleep training requires commitment and hard work from parents. Just like any other aspect of parenting, consistency and resilience are key ingredients for success. While small hiccups may occur along the way, staying persistent sets a positive example for the child.

As parents, we need to cultivate a strong mindset that aligns with the principle of empowerment. This resilience and perseverance are not only crucial for the success of sleep training but also serve as a powerful life lesson for our children. By demonstrating consistency and unwavering dedication, we instill valuable qualities that will serve them well throughout their lives.

Bottom Line of My Review of Twelve Hours' Sleep by Twelve Weeks Old

In conclusion, the wisdom contained within "Twelve Hours' Sleep by Twelve Weeks Old" goes beyond mere sleep training. It reinforces the notion that strengthening our children begins with strengthening ourselves as parents. By adopting a strong and resilient mindset, we become powerful role models for our little ones, imparting invaluable life lessons that extend far beyond the weeks of sleep training.

Incorporating these four foundational principles into our parenting journey fosters a harmonious family dynamic and nurtures a happy, well-rested child. As we empower ourselves and establish a balanced approach, we discover that sleep training is not just a short-term endeavor; rather, it sets the stage for a lifetime of healthy sleep habits and a rewarding parent-child relationship. So, let us embrace these principles with dedication and commitment, knowing that we are sowing the seeds for a brighter and more harmonious future for our families.


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